Somatic Psychotherapy
Berkeley/Oakland CA.
Lic# 99935
About Breema
Being Right Now Everywhere Every Moment Myself Actually.
Breema is a simple, natural form of connection to weight, breath, touch, and body, expressing nine universal principles of harmony. The aim of Breema is to balance the energies of body, mind, and feelings, to bring us to a tangible experience of presence that becomes our foundation for a new dimension of health, consciousness, and understanding.
Offering a simple approach to experiencing the body-mind connection, Breema bodywork, and movement exercises, are living expressions of Breema's Nine Principles of Harmony, and together with Breema's comprehensive philosophy, offer insight and practical understanding into the underlying unity of all life.
The nonjudgmental atmosphere created by our use of the principles is deeply nourishing and enables us to let go of conditioned patterns, so that we can connect to new and more natural ways of moving, thinking, and feeling.
Breema's Nine Principles Of Harmony
Body Comfortable
When we look at the body, not as something separate, but as an aspect of a unified whole, there is no place for discomfort.
No Extra
To express our true nature, nothing extra is needed.
Firmness and Gentleness
Real firmness is always gentle. Real gentleness is always firm. When we are present, we naturally manifest firmness and gentleness simultaneously.
Full Participation
The most natural way of moving and living is with full participation. Full participation is possible when body, mind, and feelings are united in a common aim.
Mutual Support
The more our Being participates, the more we are able to support life and recognize that Existence supports us. Giving and receiving support take place simultaneously.
No Judgment
The atmosphere of non-judgment gives us a taste of acceptance of ourselves as we are in the moment. When we come to the present, we are free from judgment.
Single Moment/Single Activity
Each moment is new, fresh, totally alive. Each moment is an expression of our true nature, complete by itself.
No Hurry/No Pause
In the natural rhythm of life energy, there is no hurry and no pause.
No Force
When we let go of assumptions of separation, we let go of force.